2D Engine

      2D in mathematical and gaming conditions is a smooth image that has only two dimensions. When talking about 2D games people are often confused to discover that it isn’t just perspective, when looking at popular side scrollers such as Mario and Sonic. Such as ‘Bionic Commando Rearmed’ is a part scroller but uses 3D graphics to portray more depth to the game, therefore this was created in a 3D engine but utilizing a part scroller view. 3D and 2D engines are extremely similar in words of there functionality, aside from the clear distinction that 2D engines can only render 2D visuals. However you can make items that look 3D but are actually 2D which is what call viewpoint. To provide a right impact of height, width and depth of the solid item on a two dimensional surface.

         Something you might not exactly have heard of is the ‘Z Order’, It really is similar to the Unces axis featured in THREE DIMENSIONAL engines or in other words it’s used for the same objective to add depth. Nevertheless the difference of how it is employed is to change the order/position of the image or object that is on the Unces axis, this aids a well known skill used in many 2D games called ‘layering’. I use experienced the possiblity to neglect the progress a 2D game and can say that scales and layers will help show the scene in various ways. Another visual ability utilized in 2D games is ‘Isometric Perspective which is a view point of 38 degrees to have the impression of a 3D atmosphere.